The wind speed did not exceed 15 km/hour and we could make the spectra of Delta Scorpii,in Helium II and Halpha, of 66 Ophiuchi, of Pi Aquarii and there were still 40 minutes for MWC342.
The equipment works now correctly. We managed to have the installation of the flats screen and of the Filly calibration lamp corrected.
The IAC80 premises are excellent.
The dome itself could easily accommodate a larger telescope. It is at least as big as the dome of the 1.5 meter telescope, Carlos Sanchez.
The control room accommodates the consoles and computers, two independent computers, a laser printer, a shelf for documentation and still has space for all of us to stay there comfortably.
Additionally there is a large working hall with a table, either to have a meal or to work, a TV set and two comfortable sofas.
And there is a kitchen with a small refrigerator.
The landscape is now magnificent, with some typical plants full of flowers.
Here is a view from outside of the Solar Pyramid.
Anatoly is working in the spectra captured so far. He is a hard worker; he does not stop all night long.
As usually the night ended at 06:00 and we went to sleep with the intention of exploring the volcanoes Siete Fuentes and Fasnia, volcanoes that one may see from the observatory and the result of eruptions which occurred in 1704 and 1705. These eruptions are called historic eruptions because there are written reports about them.
Here is Anatoly at the top of one of the volcano walls.
By 18:30 we came back to the IAC80 to start a series of flats.
There is no wind at all but the "calima" is denser than the previous day.
It will not harm our captures because we are working in bright stars and the signal will be strong enough.
Tomorrow there will be a report about tonight.
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